Monday, September 27, 2010


This year we have teamed up with the ACE program of Lutheran Social Services. Through the program called AIDS Care and Education (ACE), LSS provides assistance to people and families who are HIV-positive or living with AIDS through case management, counseling support, rent and utility assistance and education services. Through these efforts, great strides have been made in the overall impact of AIDS in Jacksonville’s most at-risk communities.
The goal of the program is to improve the quality of life and health for those who are living with HIV, empower them to become active in their care decisions and to build self-esteem.

We have BIG items in store for this years auction, but we are still in need of other auction items.

 We are looking for Works of Art, Jewelry, Spa Packages, Airline trips. Tickets of any kind. The Red Tie Affair can not be a success without your help!

Thank you and hope to see you there!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Red Tie Affair

It's about that time again... The Red Tie Affair.

Details of the event coming shortly.
What we need from you are precious valuables, pictures, Gift Certificates, whatever you can get your hands on to donate for the Silent Auction part of the The Red Tie Affair.

If you are a merchant that would like to donate a Gift Card, please contact

If you would like to give a monetary donation, please click on the donate button to the right.

Lets make this years Red Tie Affair a success!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Have an Ab Fab Summer

Just a quick post to plug a fundraiser that is dear to my heart, Dab The Aids Bear Project, the fundraiser is ran by one of my closest friends William Herndon, and it has been my pleasure to be apart of it as well. So come out and support if you are in the Jacksonville Fl area.